Design Engineering <h2><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Design Engineering</span></h2> <p style="text-align: justify;">Design is a huge and multi-faceted activity in Canada, covering virtually every industry and process. As Canada 's leading voice for design and in-plant engineers our mission is to provide an effective forum for the exchange of news, new ideas, product information and real-world applications. Our goal is to keep designers in touch with emerging trends and technologies, the materials and components necessary to their designs, and changes to the design function itself. DE's target audience is engineers and technicians performing the design function in Canadian industry. This includes both original equipment manufacturing (OEM) design and in-plant design (industrial systems).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Design Engineering offers a complete and balanced approach to editorial features and new product information. Our two abiding principles are editorial integrity and publishing excellence. Our readers demand and deserve nothing less. Our readers also demand value-based resources that meet their industry specific needs. That is why DE publishes, in addition to its tabloid issue schedule, two annual buyers' guides - one for the Fluid Power &amp; Control industry and the other for the Motion Control industry - the only publications of their kind in Canada.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Design Engineering also offers its readers complementary digital platforms. Our web-site, electronic e-newsletters and digital editions address the growing need of our readers for electronic information sources. The effective integration of our print and online offerings ensures we remain relevant to the evolving needs of our readers.</p> <div id="specialists"> <div class="specialist"> <h5 class="specialistTitle">Editor In Chief</h5> <img style="width: 105px; height: 120px;" src="/public/site/images/admin_designengineering/editif.jpg"><br>Mary B. Moffett<br>M.D., Ph.D., M.H.S., M.Sc.<br><strong>President</strong>,<br>Technical Society of Design &amp; Manufacturing<br>USA.<br></div> <div class="specialist"> <h5 class="specialistTitle">Editor In Chief</h5> <img style="width: 105px; height: 120px;" src="/public/site/images/admin_designengineering/IMG_2546.JPG"><br>Paul R. Otis<br>Ph.D<br>FRANCE.<br></div> </div> en-US (Editor in Chief) Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:23:15 +0000 OJS 60 Management of the Fun Schools Movement in an Effort to Improve the Quality of Education <p>One of the problems facing the education world in Indonesia is the condition of schools that are not comfortable for students. Therefore, the School Happiness Movement (Gerakan&nbsp; Sekolah Menyenangkan/GSM) becomes a solution. The problem discussed in this study is how the Management of the School Happiness Movement (GSM) in the effort to Improve the Quality of Education in Public Junior High Schools (Case Study of SMPN 3 Cikupa Tangerang Regency in Tangerang Regency and SMPN 2 Sleman). The theories used by the researcher are limited to management theory (POAC) by George F. Terry, and quality theory by Edward Sallis. The research method used is a case study. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, observations, and document studies. The results of this study show that: 1) The quality planning of SMP Negeri in realizing the School is carried out with: a). Realization of vision and mission; b) Commitment to the organizer of SNP-standard schools; c) Provide comfortable services in carrying out the learning process; d) Focus on the input quality of students;, 2) The Organizational Structure at SMP Negeri is led by the Principal, 3) The implementation of the quality of SMP Negeri in realizing the School is: a) Implementation of the curriculum using the GSM learning model; b) Quality improvement policies through MGMP, training, and workshops and giving awards to outstanding teachers;, and 4) Evaluation of the quality of SMP Negeri in realizing a quality School The product produced is the GSM learning model that can create a fun school.</p> Dulhadi Dulhadi, Ade Tutty R. Rosa, Agus Mulyanto, M. Andriana Gaffar Copyright (c) Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Management of Pesantren Salaf in Fostering Entrepreneurial Behavior of Students; Case Study at Pesantren Kanzul Ulum and Pesantren an-Nida, Cirebon City <p>This article examines the management patterns of pesantren salaf, pesantren Kanzul Ulum and an-Nida are as a sample, in fostering entrepreneurial behavior among students. This research applies a qualitative approach, which provides an in-depth picture of the actual situation in the field. This research uses the theory of four management functions; Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling. Pesantren have a rich collective scientific heritage. So far, pesantren have prepared the younger generation in various aspects of life, including agriculture, as a symbol of their preparation for the outside world. However, currently, the focus of these preparations has shifted to entrepreneurship, considering its important role in the current global economy. The research results show that Pesantren need to strengthen their identity as Islamic educational institutions before including the field of entrepreneurship into the curriculum. The implementation of a curriculum that is integrated with entrepreneurship needs to be supervised by Islamic boarding school administrators to maintain the Islamic integrity of students in the world of entrepreneurship. The aim is to create students who are competent in the field of entrepreneurship without being trapped in purely material interests.</p> Tosuerdi Tosuerdi, Hanafiah Hanafiah, R. Supyan Sauri, Ahmad Sukandar Copyright (c) Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Integrated Islamic Education Management for Hope Children Based on Life Skills to Increase the Independence of Ponpes Students <p>The root of the problem of this research is the large number of children who have been neglected due to the economic crisis. The impact is that the education they want to achieve is disrupted so that children's lifestyles become undirected and there is more potential for them to develop negative personalities and behavior. Based on the considerations above, it is very important to provide research on integrated education programs so that a generation of high-quality hope emerges. The aim of this research is to analyze and describe the management of integrated Islamic education based on&nbsp; Life skill s at the Al-Kasyaf and Nurul Amanah Islamic boarding schools in Bandung City. This research applies a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection uses interview techniques, documentation studies and observations. The theory underlying this research is based on Thorndike's learning theory approach and educational management. The policy used in Article 34 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that legally, the poor and neglected children are cared for by the state. Evaluation is carried out by monitoring, coaching and resolving the problems faced. In the evaluation, direction is given from the direct management, every month, as well as the achievement of implementation results that have been exceeded, it is reported to the management and direct direction is given by the management, direction and views are also given from the caregivers as well as guidance and motivation to the students to improve their skills. The problems faced in the&nbsp; Life skill s-based integrated Islamic education program are internal problems. The&nbsp; Life skill s-based integrated Islamic education program to prepare children with skills and hope for the future is the lack of special places for students in the&nbsp; Life skill s-based integrated Islamic education program, funding is still not available. stable in Islamic boarding schools, thus hampering the program. Santri have skills in all aspects of life. In general, it can be concluded that the&nbsp; Life skill s-based integrated Islamic education program held at the Islamic Boarding School has achieved its goal, namely increasing the independence of students. Increasing the independence of students is characterized by an increase in the independence of students, characterized by the existence of skills, namely personal skills, social skills, vocational skills both emotionally, behavioral independence, and value independence and even the formation of economic independence.</p> M. Iwan wahidin, Iim Wasliman, R. Supyan Sauri, Deti Rostini Copyright (c) Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Utilization of RRI (Rainfall Runoff Inundation) Model for Inundation Forecasting in Tallo Watershed <p>The method used to identify flood-prone areas is the utilization of the RRI (Rainfall Runoff Inundation) model. In the initial stage of flood risk reduction, inundation modeling can be carried out using rainfall data from radar, GSMap satellite, GPM satellite, and direct rain gauge measurements. The modeling approach involves real-time data, integrating rainfall amounts with existing watersheds. Floods that affected the city of Makassar and several areas in the Tallo Watershed were due to continuous rainfall from December 22, 2022, to January 31, 2020, resulting in several areas being submerged for several days. This study focuses on flood forecasting based on rainfall distribution over a specific period. The modeling utilizes the RRI model with input data from various rainfall sources, resulting in improved flood predictions regarding inundation height and extent. The research findings indicate that the RRI model using radar data provides the best validation results with a correlation (R) value of 0.85, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.18, Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of 0.39, and Pbias of -0.46. Radar data can effectively depict the inundation or flood distribution patterns in the Tallo Watershed, with inundation heights ranging from 0.5 m to 2.5 m and an extensive inundation area. Spatial flood modeling in the Tallo Watershed during the 2022 flood event accurately represents the real occurrences that affected the Manggala, Tallo, Tamalanrea, and Biringkanaya districts and surrounding areas.</p> F. Zulvyah, M.S Pallu, F.Maricar, dan M.P. Hatta Copyright (c) Mon, 19 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementasi Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) in Improving Faculty Performance Descriptive Qualitative Study of the Faculty of Performing Arts (FSP) ISBI Bandung <p>Management of higher education units must be based on the principles of autonomy, accountability, quality assurance, and transparent evaluation. Quality/quality demands conformity of products/services to customers so as to achieve the expected satisfaction. Study program/faculty Quality Assurance System refers to the institution's vision, mission, goals and strategic objectives. The Quality Assurance System is intended to improve the quality of education. Universities systematically need to carry out a quality assurance process that refers to the National Higher Education Standards or independently exceeding institutional standards. The quality assurance system is divided into two, namely the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) which is carried out internally by universities autonomously, while the External Guarantee System (SPME) is carried out by external parties to determine the eligibility of higher education institutions. This study aims to describe in depth the internal quality assurance system of higher education institutions at the faculty level. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach to SPMI through a cycle of determination, implementation, evaluation, control and repair/improvement (PPEPP) in the tridharma of tertiary institutions held at the FSP ISBI Bandung faculty in improving performance. Faculty performance is the result of work in an effort to serve students in the study program environment to produce graduates who are competitive. SPMI implementation of the Tridharma of higher education to achieve conformity in standards of education, research and community service. The result of the research is a qualitative descriptive of the implementation of the university's internal quality assurance system at the level of study program/faculty management unit. In terms of policies, SPMI cycles, SPMI implementation principles, strategies, implementation and structure of SPMI. With an internal quality assurance system that develops until it reaches the National Higher Education Standards (SN-Dikti) or independent standards in accordance with the vision and mission of the institution. The SPMI cycle will improve faculty performance.</p> Harijadi, Ulfiah, Ikka Kartika A. Fauzi, Dinny Mardiana Copyright (c) Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Madrasah Aliyah Curriculum Management In Improving The Quality Of Islamic Religious Education (Pai) Learning <p>Many educational institutions have implemented curriculum management, but most need help with the implementation stage. Curriculum management aims to ensure that the curriculum prepared is effective and efficient in achieving the educational goals that have been set. With good curriculum management, academic institutions can provide relevant and practical education to students. This research aims to analyze planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating and curriculum management solutions to improve Islamic religious education (PAI) learning quality at MAN 2 Pulang Pisau and MA Darul Ulum, Palangka Raya City. This research uses a case study method with a qualitative approach through observation techniques, interviews and documentation studies. This research found that (1) Curriculum planning was carried out involving various parties and referred to the Indonesian Ministry of Religion regulations. (2) The organization of the curriculum has been carried out based on the Decree of the Head of the Madrasah as a result of deliberations regarding teacher workload instructions and MA-level curriculum organization. (3). The curriculum implementation is carried out based on the direction and explanation of the MA level PAI curriculum implementation. (4) Evaluation of the PAI curriculum in improving the quality of PAI learning is carried out normatively, including summative and formative assessments, improving the quality of PAI learning. (5) The problem of curriculum management in improving PAI learning is still faced with the problem of teacher resources that are less than proportional in the division of work, and (6) Solutions to overcome curriculum management problems in improving the curriculum can be done with curriculum management that focuses more on achieving the quality of PAI learning.</p> Amruddin, Iim Wasliman, Supyan Sauri, Ricky Yoseptry Copyright (c) Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ICT-Based Science Learning Management in Improving Student Learning Quality <p>This research addresses the challenge of students struggling to comprehend science lessons. The overarching goal is to assess and understand the management of ICT-based science learning with the aim of enhancing student learning quality. Specific objectives include examining the planning, organization, implementation, supervision, inhibiting factors, solutions, and impact of ICT-based science learning on student learning quality. Findings reveal that planning involves curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plan development at the beginning of each school year. Organization encompasses class, student, infrastructure, and personnel management. Implementation aligns with learning objectives, demonstrated through planned activities such as introductions, core content, and conclusions. Supervision covers objectives, principles, benefits, aspects, and techniques. Challenges include limited supporting infrastructure hindering student familiarity, insufficient knowledge among human resources regarding ICT, student unfamiliarity with ICT applications during implementation, and inadequate technology access during supervision. Solutions include infrastructure improvements, enhanced teacher guidance for ICT use, optimal infrastructure support during implementation, and maximizing technology use in supervision. The impact is a more enjoyable and effective science learning experience, leading to improved student learning quality. In conclusion, ICT-based science learning management in superior classes is not entirely optimal due to human resource limitations and a lack of understanding and implementation of ICT-based science learning.</p> Catur Galuh Ratnagung, Iim Wasliman, Waska Warta, Agus Mulyanto Copyright (c) Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Subject Teacher Development Management in Improving Teacher Competencies in Madrasah Working Group (KKM): Case Study at KKM 05 Pasirjambu, Bandung Regency <p>Teachers are the most dominant and most important factor in formal education, because teachers are role models for students and even become self-identifying figures. The success or failure of education implementation is largely determined by the teacher's readiness in the process of teaching and learning activities. A teacher can be said to be competent when he is able to carry out his duties well, efficiently and responsibly. A competent teacher is a teacher who has the ability from planning, implementing, to assessing the learning process. Thus, as a professional teacher, the most important task is to plan learning, carry out the learning process, assess learning outcomes, and carry out learning evaluations, as well as conducting research and dedication to learning which are summarized in 4 teacher competencies including, personal competency, professional competency. Pedagogic competence and social competence. There are many things that result in the lack of professionalism of a teacher who does not have qualifications, including a bachelor's degree academic qualification and some teachers who are not suited to the subjects taught. Teacher competency development programs are implemented through the optimization of professional teacher organizations, in this case the MGMP, so that abilities in the 4 competencies and different experiences can be accommodated in one organization. MGMP (Subject Teachers' Conference) as a professional teacher organization is expected to be able to improve the quality of lessons and teacher competency. So MGMP management includes <strong>planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring. </strong>This study used a qualitative approach with case study design. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interview techniques, participant observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Based on data obtained by researchers through interviews, observation and documentation, the role of MGMP is not yet optimal in supporting teacher competency.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Enok Nurhasanah, Endang Komara, Nandang Koswara, Waska Warta Copyright (c) Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000