Service Capacity Model Based on Passenger Movement Patterns at the Departure Zone of Sultan Hasanuddin Airport
The service capacity model based on movement patterns, is a model developed from passenger movement patterns in the departure hall at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, this model is used to predict how the level of service that occurs at checkpoints/security checks. By doing several approach patterns from the movement of passengers that have occurred so far . This study aims to determine the pattern of passenger movement at the departure terminal, develop space capacity at the departure terminal based on the number of passengers. As well as combining space capacity at the departure terminal based on passenger patterns. This modeling is carried out using a simulation arena by testing the position of the existing passengers and adding checking facilities to the system. In the existing test, a service level of 93% was obtained with an average passenger arrival of 2,166 passengers/minute and a postal inspection service level of 3,722 seconds . From the simulation results, data is obtained that the unit time in the simulation system is close to the real system / Stadesade where the simulation is declared valid by testing the normality test and homogeneity test, namely the Independent Samples test. T-test . In the normality test it was obtained 0.053 > 0.05 where the data variance was stated to be homogeneous. Likewise with the testing of 2 resources, a resource utilization schedule of 1 with a value of 78% and 2 with a value of 80% was obtained. In testing the validity by testing the normality test and homogeneity test, namely the Independent Samples test T-test . In the normality test obtained 0.00 <0.05 where there is no significant average difference between the simulation results and the results of the real system.