A Phase Wraps Reduction Method Based on Fringe Pattern

  • Zhongyan Liu, Fu Qiao


In fringe projection profilometry, wrapped phase is useless, the phase wraps are eliminated completely or the number of phase wraps is greatly reduced, which is helpful for subsequent phase unwrapping. Thus, an efficient method is proposed to absolutely remove phase wraps or tremendously decrease the number of phase wraps. Firstly, the sub-pixel peak location of spectrum is determined by two 1D iterative local Fourier transform; then the frequency spectrum moved to the origin in the spatial domain. After this, the phase wraps can be rapidly and accurately reduced. Finally, the proposed method is proved by simulated and actual strike images, and compared with the spectrum is shifted in the frequency domain and the spectrum is shifted in the spatial domain after zero-padding, proved the efficiency of the proposed method.

How to Cite
Zhongyan Liu, Fu Qiao. (2020). A Phase Wraps Reduction Method Based on Fringe Pattern. Design Engineering, 755 - 769. https://doi.org/10.17762/de.vi.944