Conditions and Principles of Application of the "Explanatory Conversation" Method in Correcting the Personal Efficiency of Students

  • Numonova Dildor Umurzoqovna


One of the most important issues facing the science of pedagogy and psychology today is the formation of thinking that helps a high school student to acquire new knowledge and apply it in practice, self-awareness and further development skills. One such issue is to ensure that students ’personal effectiveness is adequate and optimal. Pedagogical-psychological correction serves to optimize the personal effectiveness of students in secondary schools. Scientific papers on the problem have been studied and compared. Important pedagogical and psychological conditions for the effective use of the method of "Explanatory dialogue" developed by Associate Professor DR Gulyamov in order to individually correct the individual effectiveness of students, as well as the basic principles that must be followed.

Results. Individual correction of personal effectiveness in the activities of students allows them to develop moral and ethical qualities, social and professional necessary qualities, as well as a valuable attitude to the educational process, the development of the qualities of responsibility and diligence. Children are brought up to the maximum level of cognitive activity in the acquisition of educational materials, depending on their capabilities.

Conclusions. Full observance of the proposed pedagogical conditions and principles in the use of the method of "Explanatory dialogue" to increase the personal effectiveness of students allows to organize the correction process individually, taking into account the individuality of students and constant "feedback" in the correction process. This allows pedagogical psychologists to manage the correction process.

How to Cite
Numonova Dildor Umurzoqovna. (2021). Conditions and Principles of Application of the "Explanatory Conversation" Method in Correcting the Personal Efficiency of Students. Design Engineering, 9799-9806. Retrieved from