Psychological Transformation of Women Protagonist in Nayantara Sahgal’s Novels

  • Mr.G.Baskar , Dr.P.Santhi
Keywords: Freedom, Politics, Violence, Reality, Historical


Nayantara Sahgal’s status as an author will be examined in this paper. It also looks at Nayantara Sahgal’s Storm in Chandigarh and A Situation in New Delhi. In over six decades of post-colonial Indian English writing, authors have addressed social, economic, political, religious, and spiritual concerns from three eras of human history. They experimented boldly with method and prohibited topic matters in their novels and short stories, while maintaining high literary standards acknowledged both in India and beyond.

How to Cite
Dr.P.Santhi , M. ,. (2021). Psychological Transformation of Women Protagonist in Nayantara Sahgal’s Novels. Design Engineering, 7512-7519. Retrieved from