Extraction of Lungs in CT Scan images for the Detection of Lung Nodules using Image Processing Techniques

  • Sasidhar B
Keywords: Lung Regions, Morphological Operations, Threshold, Convex Hull


Extraction of lung regions reduces time taken for the recognition of carcinoma in lungs. The previous methods were not able to segment lungs with juxta pleural nodules. In this paper, morphological operators, convex hull and XOR operations are used to extract lungs with juxta pleural nodules. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on 50 images and 98.6% of average overlap measure (AΩ) is calculated.

How to Cite
Sasidhar B. (2021). Extraction of Lungs in CT Scan images for the Detection of Lung Nodules using Image Processing Techniques . Design Engineering, 2960-2965. Retrieved from http://thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/5771