Identification of Leafy Vegetables Using Thresholding Method

  • Prof. Dayanand G Savakara, Arun K Talawar, Ravi Hosur
Keywords: Leafy Vegetables, Threshold, PNN, KNN.


The traditional post-collecting cycle of plant products of the soil is over the top and exceptionally abstract which vulnerable to mistakes. This interaction is amazingly problematic as far as precision, throughput, speed and cost. A computerized organic product reviewing approach is alluring to diminish the manual endeavors and increment the productivity. In this paper, we are building up a digital image vision based a picture securing and grouping framework for natural product evaluating. This framework is isolated into three modules picture pre-preparing, picture division and Classifier. In the principal stage, we are extricating the picture highlights for example, picture quality, territory, edge, mean, difference, shading, power. Next edge calculation chips away at programmed edge estimation and picture binarization part. In the second stage k-means grouping is utilized for picture division. In last stage the vectors of shading, force, portions, and picture quality include were used for preparing of the support vector machine structure. The picture k-means implies grouping approach is inserted with support vector machine classifier to improve the speed and exactness of the classifier. Thus, the framework will actually want to characterize the organic product into three distinct classes. The proposed calculation is executed with an illustration of leafy images product evaluating resulted in 90% using KNN & 95.83 using PNN.

How to Cite
Ravi Hosur, P. D. G. S. A. K. T. (2021). Identification of Leafy Vegetables Using Thresholding Method . Design Engineering, 2875-2884. Retrieved from