Study on Corrosion Properties of Epoxy Polymer Composite Coating for Marine Application

  • Farook Sayyad, M I Ansari, Shabnam Sayyad
Keywords: nanoparticles; camphor soot; surfactant; salt spray test


Corrosion represents their daily enemy in marine industry; therefore they have to consistently strive for it keeping in mind the limit of expenditure for maintaining the costly ships. In order to progressively reduce these direct costs, nontoxic anticorrosive coatings are being developed which can sustain long in the corrosive environment with lower material cost and cost of necessary preparation. In this extensive research, we have convincingly demonstrated the continuous improvement in the paint properties of the epoxy resin without appreciably affecting its mechanical properties like high adhesion strength and corrosion resistance. The practical use of nanoparticles of soot typically obtained from controlled combustion of camphor was mutually reinforced in the epoxy polymer matrix. The salt spray tests sufficiently revealed the improved corrosion resistance in the epoxy nano-composites which is directly proportional to the reinforcement percentage of the camphor soot. The increase of the carbon nano particles reinforcement improves the thermal resistance of the epoxy composite, and decomposition temperature also increases with increasing in percentage of the carbon filler.

How to Cite
Shabnam Sayyad, F. S. M. I. A. (2021). Study on Corrosion Properties of Epoxy Polymer Composite Coating for Marine Application. Design Engineering, 2688-2694. Retrieved from