Study of mammalian diversity of Shekhawati region in dry zone of Thar Desert, India.

  • Swati, Dr. L.C. Verma
Keywords: Desert, mammal, carnivorous, marketable, range, flaxen gault .


The Shekhawati position is deposited northeast of Rajasthan and covers handiest 8 of the country area. The neighborhood rainfall is extraordinarily severe- particularly warm summers and really bloodless layoffs. The position is deposited in shallow regions with little flowering because of low and uncommon downfall. The wind haste withinside the position may be veritably inordinate in summer time season and sandstorms aren't unusualplace on this area. Beach stacks are inordinate in the course of the position, specifically withinside the north-west. The position is a part of the Indian Thar Desert which well-knownshows small performances of mammals. Over the beyond 3 numerous times the range of big mammals has been considerably dropped withinside the Shekhawati position because of the mortal tendency of herbal mammals to their useful conditioning. The range of mammals withinside the Shekhawati position should be forty species of mammals of 20 homes and 31 orders. The position contains 9 of the Indian mammalian species and58.8 of the Thar. During the examine of each styles of mammals each direct ways along with line transect approach and oblique ways of sign identity had been used. The metamorphosis of irrigated agrarian land also influences the biodiversity of the position. Mammals which have been converted into far flung regions vanish speedy due to mortal hindrance and adverse conditioning.

How to Cite
Dr. L.C. Verma, S. (2021). Study of mammalian diversity of Shekhawati region in dry zone of Thar Desert, India. Design Engineering, 2588-2594. Retrieved from