Study of Modern Innovative Directions of the Light Architecture of the Objects of the Landscape

  • KamalovaDilnozaZaynidinovna, Isakova DilnozaErkinovna


A new direction is rapidly developing in the field of architecture, that of the perception of volumetric and spatial environment under artificial light at night. It has been inspired by the scientific and technological progress, deep social transformations, and changes in traditional habits of the urban population. The previous artistic forming standards based on visual perception of the solar ambient luminescence have proved to be insufficient. A person, when in the dark, perceives visually the space and environing things otherwise than during the day. The experience in creating architectural and artistic environment of a night city accumulated in half a century requires an analytical assessment with a view to provide methodological support for design activities.In the field of architecture, a new direction is rapidly developing, designed for the perception of a volumetric-spatial environment in the dark with artificial lighting. Today, there is already a real possibility and need to regulate lighting in space. spectrum and time as the most important means of providing multivariate diversity and associative "revitalization", "animation" of the urban environment by analogy with "living" natural light according to the principles of light dynamics or for symbolic visualization of the rhythms of modern life. Among them, in terms of importance, the dissertation work should be distinguished.

How to Cite
KamalovaDilnozaZaynidinovna, Isakova DilnozaErkinovna. (2021). Study of Modern Innovative Directions of the Light Architecture of the Objects of the Landscape. Design Engineering, 6564 - 6573. Retrieved from