The Bipolar Fuzzy Set And Knn Intergumentary System Analytical Study

  • M.Rajeshwari, ShanmugaRathinam, G Revathy
Keywords: bipolar fuzzy, bipolar fuzzy soft decision set, rank value, AGEMSD, KNN.


As of a variety of factors such as climate change, pollution, sanitary requirements, age, level of fitness care, and many others, pores and derm illnesses appear in unique patterns. These illnesses generate a variety of problems for people's health. In this research, we apply the AGEMSD approach to determine which age groups are affected by derm illness and forecast the accuracy using KNN. The accuracy of the result is greater than 93%.

How to Cite
G Revathy, M. S. (2021). The Bipolar Fuzzy Set And Knn Intergumentary System Analytical Study. Design Engineering, 6291-6297. Retrieved from