Energy-Efficient Mac Protocol for Small Satellites Using Doubly Cognitive Approach-A Comprehensive Investigation

  • T. Veeraiah, K. Harish Kumar


Given the advantages they offer, small satellite vehicles have come a long way in recent decades. Hundreds of small satellites with increasing functionality have been launched in recent years [2]. The demand for frequency availability is also growing rapidly. Typically, several ground stations use a satellite link. Media Access Control (MAC) protocols are responsible for deciding which station can use the connection if there is competition for it. The MAC protocol is only required on the satellite uplink. Here we introduce the Dual Cognitive Packet Reservation Multiple Access Protocol (DCPRMA), which enables intelligent spectrum acquisition and efficient use of spectrum bands under heavy load conditions. With this approach, users optimally share spectrum bands. It is important to consider several limitations of small satellites, such as: B. Limited on-board power and computing resources. Previous work in this area has considered three performance parameters to evaluate the efficiency of the protocol, namely the probability of loss of voice packets, the mean delay of the data packets and the performance of the data packets [2] . The factors considered in the proposed DCPRMA protocol are energy efficiency, scalability and adaptability, channel utilization, latency, fairness, and of the throughput.

How to Cite
T. Veeraiah, K. Harish Kumar. (2021). Energy-Efficient Mac Protocol for Small Satellites Using Doubly Cognitive Approach-A Comprehensive Investigation. Design Engineering, 15621-15629. Retrieved from