Provisional Permissioned Access for the Blockchain-Based Healthcare System

  • Iman Mohammed Hasan, Rana Fareed Ghani


Today's insurers’ role is modifying toward a more protective and electronic manner. The insurance industry relies highly on multiple interoperations that require the transfer, storing, and sharing of transactions between related stakeholders. At the same time, maintaining security and privacy being one of the most significant challenges facing the insurance industry, especially health insurance. This paper introduces Blockchain as an efficient solution for sharing insurance-related transactions. The authors design a distributed system based on Blockchain for facilitating authorized access to transactions using Provisional Permissioned Access. The performance evaluation of the protocol showed verifying access through an accepted spent time.

How to Cite
Iman Mohammed Hasan, Rana Fareed Ghani. (2021). Provisional Permissioned Access for the Blockchain-Based Healthcare System. Design Engineering, 15271-15278. Retrieved from