Computational Utilization of Numerical Equivalences: Fuzzy systems and Neural Networks – A comparative Survey

  • Julaika Begum K Dr. Sindhu J Kumaar,
Keywords: Fuzzy systems, Neural Networks, Differential Equations, Triangular Fuzzy and Polynomials


The various numerical equivalence’s which is observed to be most common in two important mathematical and computational concepts namely fuzzy systems and neural networks are compared and their pros and cons are discussed in this survey paper. In this study each method had analyzed with their numerical convergence in different applications and the common factor which interconnect their performance are analyzed using various existing examples. The survey provides useful information for computational utilization of these important numerical concepts.

How to Cite
Dr. Sindhu J Kumaar, J. B. K. (2021). Computational Utilization of Numerical Equivalences: Fuzzy systems and Neural Networks – A comparative Survey. Design Engineering, 14971-14981. Retrieved from