Cloning of a vertex and an edge of flower graphs with Super unisum labeling

  • Lalitha Pattabiraman, Tamilselvi.L
Keywords: No Keywords


In this paper, a new method of labeling of graphs named as Super Unisum labeling is introduced to number the vertices and edges of graphs. Flower graphs Fn, with n ≥ 4 are being applied with the technique of Cloning of single vertex are constructed and these graphs are labeled with Super Unisum labeling. Also, Super Unisum labeling is implemented to Flower graph Fn,with n ≥ 4 where Cloning of an edge is done holding the condition that n must be always even.

How to Cite
Tamilselvi.L, L. P. (2021). Cloning of a vertex and an edge of flower graphs with Super unisum labeling. Design Engineering, 13075-13086. Retrieved from