Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Recycled aggregates: A Review

  • Mr. Feroz Hanif Khan, Dr. Swati Ambadkar
Keywords: Fiber Reinforced, Concrete, Recycle aggregates, compressive strength and flexural strength


The reinforcement is provided in the concrete in terms of the steel reinforcement in the traditional concrete. The concrete is a brittle material, if the concrete is reinforced with the fibers according to the random distribution, the mechanical properties of the concrete can be changes to a great extent. This fiber reinforced concrete is nowadays become very popular, there are many researchers who have conducted experimental study. There are different types of the fibers consisting steel, natural, glass and synthetic. The properties in terms of the ductility and durability of the concrete are studied in different literatures. The compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength have been observed. In the present work the different literatures are studied based on the recycled aggregates and the fiber reinforced concrete. The mechanical properties are also studied and accordingly the results have also been compared.

How to Cite
Dr. Swati Ambadkar, M. F. H. K. (2021). Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Recycled aggregates: A Review. Design Engineering, 12990-12999. Retrieved from