The Digital Fishery Platform Acceptance in Pandemic COVID-19

  • Edi Purwanto, Rachman Sjarief, Chaerul Anwar
Keywords: UTAUT factors, Fishery, Technology Adoption, Digital Platform.


Indonesia has poor distribution system that considered as one of the causes of high fish prices for end-users and low fish consumption. So, Indonesia needs a digital platform that can connect directly between fishermen and end-users. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the UTAUT factor on the digital fishery platform acceptance. Data collection was carried out in Jakarta, Banten, and West Java provinces through online questionnaires. Respondents for this study were residents in the three provinces who had the potential to shop for fish through digital platforms. With the application of convenience sampling, the data collected amounted to 360 samples. The research results prove that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence are determinant factors of the digital fishery platform acceptance. However, facilitating conditions did not have a significant effect on the acceptance. The results of this research will be the basis for policies to build a digital fishery platform that connects fishermen and consumers in a peer-to-peer manner through a digital platform. The originality of this study is that this is the first study to test the UTAUT model in the context of a digital fishery platform.

How to Cite
Chaerul Anwar, E. P. R. S. (2021). The Digital Fishery Platform Acceptance in Pandemic COVID-19 . Design Engineering, 12357-12368. Retrieved from