On the Lattice Con(G)

  • P. Maheswari, S. Maria Jesu Raja
Keywords: Convex sets, Connected graphs, Complete bipartite graph, lattice


A lattice is made by combining all convex sets iof ia ifinite iconnected igraph iwith an empty set ithat is ipartially iordered by set inclusion relation, ias iis iwidely iknown. The iempty iset ipartially sorted by set inclusion irelation iand the iset of iall ipath sets iof ia ifinite iconnected igraph iform a ilattice.

We looked at some of the features of these lattices for full bipartite graphs and cycles in this study.

How to Cite
S. Maria Jesu Raja, P. M. (2021). On the Lattice Con(G). Design Engineering, 7449-7455. Retrieved from http://thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/4237