Methodology and Techniques of Digital Image Processing

  • Swedika Sharma
Keywords: ImageProcessing,DescriptionLanguages, Applications,Information,Devices.


The entire procedure for any image processing technique using blocks Simulink and Xilinx system goesthrough different phases. IP technique use XSG, Image post processing block, many applications in IP. Thisstudy approachestoclassifyspatialrelationships,includingtopology(setofrelationships,adjacency)andmetrics(distance, relative directional position). There is usually no exact symmetry in real artifacts, and it is necessary toaddress approximate symmetries. Many works quantify the degree of symmetry, often using a symmetry metricbasedondistance. Inthefuzzysituation,theissueisfarless important. Inreality,there isno morerigidmembership; Fluidity helps us cope with a gradual transition between objects and meaning. Therefore, we shouldclaim to be robust when analyzing the interactions between two objects. In this paper, the software package ismoved to hardware for faster segmentation, so that the device component processing speed is bound within adefinitetiminglimit.Therefore,imagesegmentationmethodsbasedonFPGAsaretheidealchoiceforimplementing.

How to Cite
Swedika Sharma. (2021). Methodology and Techniques of Digital Image Processing. Design Engineering, 10523- 10530. Retrieved from