Intelligent Traffic Control System for Congestion Control, Emergency Vehicle Clearance and Stolen

  • Harsha.R, Veena.K.N
Keywords: Arduino UNO, NodeMCU ESP8266, IR Sensor, Blynk Application, RFID Module, IoT.


Traffic congestion in our day to day life has become a major issue, especially those who live in urban and semi-urban areas. Emergency vehicles such as rescue vans, fire units, and squad cars face a whole host of challenges, which leads to a loss of human lives due to the congested situations of the driving factors. We proposed a new idea called "Traffic Control System for Emergency Vehicle Clearance and Stolen Vehicle Detection" to mitigate this major issue. This project aims to actively use RFID technology and elevated-speed microcontroller in order to facilitate that emergency vehicles can comfortably arrive at their destination in a quick and consistent flow. This is also carried out with the RFID reader Arduino, NodeMCU ESP8266, to detect the RFID tag inside the emergency vehicle. The traffic system utilizes RFID module for the detection of the emergency vehicle to control the traffic signal automatically until the emergency vehicle passes through. The system also identifies the stolen vehicle along it's direction in addition to the existing scheme. The details is then sent to the control room and the owner of the stolen vehicle upon identification of the stolen vehicle. Another objective of this project is when any vehicle gets detected on pedestrian crossing whilst the traffic light is red then that specific signal adds delay using the timer. This makes the rider more careful and responsible and parallelly makes a clear path for pedestrians.

How to Cite
Harsha.R, Veena.K.N. (2021). Intelligent Traffic Control System for Congestion Control, Emergency Vehicle Clearance and Stolen . Design Engineering, 5230-5237. Retrieved from