Biogeography Algorithm Based Cognitive Radio Network Spectrum Utilization

  • Shailendra Kumar Tiwari, Dr. Praveen Kumar Mannepalli
Keywords: Cognitive radio, Data Routing, Resource Utilization, Spectrum Sensing.|


Digital communication dependency requirement increases every day. Limited spectrum utilization attract researcher to optimize by means of data compression, routing, etc. This paper proposed a Bio Geography based Cognitive Network Routing (BGCNR) dynamic routing algorithm in cognitive radio network. Genetic algorithm was good in dynamic environment as they do not need any training. Use of crossover and mutation operation in selected chromosomes of the population increase the chance of good route selection. As short duration spectrum availability need less time consuming algorithm, so BGO performance for route generation was less. Proposed BGCNR uses a multi objective fitness function for improving spectrum utilization with low energy requirement to transmit packet. This energy efficient model indirectly increases life span of cognitive radio network having wireless communication. Experiment was done on different number of nodes, area, and position. Results were compared on different parameter with other existing routing methods.

How to Cite
Dr. Praveen Kumar Mannepalli, S. K. T. (2021). Biogeography Algorithm Based Cognitive Radio Network Spectrum Utilization . Design Engineering, 4508- 4520. Retrieved from