Study the Production of Solar still with and without Using of Pahse Change Materials

  • Zainab Basim Mohammed, Muna S. Kassim
Keywords: Solar Distillation, PCM, Solar Still, and Solar Energy


The conversion of solar energy into useful heat energy in the process of solar distillation in distilled to obtain fresh water and increase the amount of product, including the lowest unit cost for the distillation system and optimal use of energy from the sunrise to sunset is the main focus of all previous researches. This paper delivers the theoretical information of solar still without and with the phase change materials. Numerical investigating performed on a solar still model according to Bagdad environmental conditions. The numerical results show the amount and direction of radiation, air percentage, water vapor concertation, and velocity stream have been increase with time when using only wax.

How to Cite
Muna S. Kassim, Z. B. M. (2021). Study the Production of Solar still with and without Using of Pahse Change Materials. Design Engineering, 4231-4245. Retrieved from