Production Survey of Designing a Hybrid Optical Amplifier (HOP) for WDM Systems by Using EDFA and RAMAN Amplifiers

  • Nawroz I. Hamadamen, Salar J. Abdulhameed, Hanan K. Abdulkrim
Keywords: Optical Amplifiers, RAMAN, EDFA, Hybrid Optical Amplifiers, L-band Transmission, WDM System.


This paper introduces an upgraded Hybrid Optical Amplifier (HOA) design, for wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) systems at L wavelength bands for enhancing received signals. 32-WDM channels in 191.92 – 192.17 THz (1560 – 1562 nm) used for the research. The investigation implemented to improve speed, increase number of users and to deliver all channels integrity in the bandwidth. Two optical amplifier models have used for designing the HOA, of the sort Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) and RAMAN Fiber Amplifier. Each amplifier apply non-identical process for amplification that leads to different amplification results. By entering the amplified signal from EDFA, which is the first amplifier into the second one, RAMAN amplifier makes the signal to amplify better and to enhance from the recipient side. In this study, we applied the above-mentioned transmitting frequency span separated by 15 GHz of normal telecommunication fiber. In addition, the input utilized transmitting power is -25 dBm, for EDFA alone system, RAMAN alone system, as well as the hybrid amplifier system design, and for 25 Km distance covers a specific zone of Kurdistan. Besides the hybrid amplifier, utilize pumping structures of 980 nm wavelength and 500 mW forward pump-power and in view of rear pumping of the RAMAN amplifier for 1405 to 1517.5 nm pump-wavelength and 100 mW pump power. Since the demand of communication increases, year by year we need to receive signals with high power, and this investigation done to provide a high-received power, compared to the input power spectrum -25 dBm from the receiver side we got a spectrum with power -24 dBm which shows an excellent inhancement of the received signals. The hybrid amplifier production is distinguished as regards maximum gain attained, gain flatness, and the noise figure that amplified. As well, the Optical Signal to Noise Ratio (OSNR) is studied in terms of signal wavelength. The differentiation between the two amplifiers alone used in design products and the designed hybrid EDFA/RAMAN has been done. The designed HOA gave great-enhanced productions; the produced gain from the designed HOA is increased notably. The maximum gain of the Hybrid amplifier reached to 40.086 dB with gain flatness of approximately 1 dB and the complete noise figure is 5.19 dB which showed lowest compared to alone used amplifiers.

How to Cite
Hanan K. Abdulkrim, N. I. H. S. J. A. (2021). Production Survey of Designing a Hybrid Optical Amplifier (HOP) for WDM Systems by Using EDFA and RAMAN Amplifiers. Design Engineering, 7476-7491. Retrieved from