Secure Healthcare Record Management Systems with effective Machine learning and Block chain Techniques

  • Dr. Pankaj Lathar


Medical care continues to be one of the most indispensable parts of human life and gradually over the years, the healthcare industry has been dealing with massive amounts of data. With the advent of digitalization and the adoption of information technology practices, there has been a paradigm shift in the way medical data is stored and managed. Unlike normal transactional data, medical data is composed of a variety of subjects such as reports, prescriptions, and x-rays and their intricate relationships. Given the traits of such complex nature and the sensitive information that medical data deals with, an efficient digital solution comprising a comprehensive Medical Record Management System is the need of the hour. Run of the mill IT solutions lack efficacy and are inadequate to deal with the security and privacy concerns that are tied to medical data. Efficient Medical Record Management Systems help preserve the value medical data generate and aid in aspects such as hassle-free transfer of data across hospitals and providing quality data to researchers thereby potentially saving lives. In this chapter, we propose approaches to define an efficient Medical Record Management System using blockchain and tamper-proofing algorithms with their associated frameworks. We provide an overview of these technologies and discuss case-studies to design and implement end-to-end Medical Record Management Systems with core functionalities.

How to Cite
Dr. Pankaj Lathar. (2021). Secure Healthcare Record Management Systems with effective Machine learning and Block chain Techniques. Design Engineering, 5102- 5123. Retrieved from