Factors Influencing the Software Development Process in Small Scale Industries

  • Irfan Ahmad Khan, Dr. Dipti Kumari
Keywords: Development process, Influencing factors, Small scale industries, software


Software development is a complex process which is divided into many phases. According to the software type and industries the development process is restructured. During the entire development what are the main factors which is influencing the process and affecting the quality. The main objective of this study is to focus on factors influencing the development process and how it affects the small scale industries after coming in to the real practice.

Entire Software development is a layered process in which different factors are responsible to get the best products. This paper is focused on different technical and non-technical influencing factors which give major impact on the software quality. With influencing factors, their applicability in small scale industries also studied.

Three important technical factors i.e. SDLC model and its principles, Cost estimation and Risk parameter whereas two important influencing factors in non-technical.i.e. success factors and environmental factors. Non-technical factors more influencing than technical factors. 

All technical and non-technical factors have their own role but to apply all these quality parameters in small scale industries we need to make them more easy for their applicability. If quality development process and its parameters are tuned to easy and affordable level more businessmen will shift from manual working environment to the digital working environment.

How to Cite
Dr. Dipti Kumari , I. A. K. (2021). Factors Influencing the Software Development Process in Small Scale Industries. Design Engineering, 4089-4098. https://doi.org/10.17762/de.vi.2847