Analysis of Pollution Load in Jeneberang River Gowa Regency

  • A. Saidah Pratama Indah Lestari, Hazairin Zubair, Daniel Useng


Jeneberang River is one of the largest rivers in Sulawesi Selatan which has an important role for the community, including being used for agricultural irrigation, electricity generation and also as a source of raw water for drinking water. On the other hand, Jeneberang River receives input waste from domestic, agricultural, industrial and mining activities. This study aims to determine the river pollution load based on BOD, COD and TSS parameters. The research location is in Sombaopu and Pallangga district. Water sampling and measurement of primary parameters were carried out at four monitoring points with a length of abc m. From the results of data analysis, the average pollution load for BOD parameters is 788,122.65 kg/day, COD is 4,794,982.17 kg/day and TSS is 5,808,618.55 kg/day. The highest BOD and COD pollution load is at point J2, while the highest TSS pollution load is at point J1.The BOD and COD pollution load must be reduced.

How to Cite
A. Saidah Pratama Indah Lestari, Hazairin Zubair, Daniel Useng. (2021). Analysis of Pollution Load in Jeneberang River Gowa Regency. Design Engineering, 92 - 99. Retrieved from