A Novel Method for Data Analysis of Fog Computing Based Smart Agriculture

  • Onkar Nath Sinha, Dr. Tulika, Amit Kishor


Smart agriculture plays an important role in farming activities. Internet of Things (IoT)based smart agriculture is proposed by various researchers and the system uses Cloud Computing(CC) to handle veryhuge amount of data. In this research paper, we had toproposed a Fog Computing (FC) based smart agriculture system so that important data processing can be done at fog nodes. IoTdevices of the farm generate huge amounts of data which grows exponentially. Analysis and processing of huge amounts of data is very big challenging. Various data mining approaches like Wave Cluster, Partition Around Medoids (PAM), Clustering Large Applications (CLARA), and DensityBased Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) are used to analyse agricultural data. We proposed a clustering approach based on Wave cluster. For the experimentation, agricultural data of rice crop of the State of Bihar in India is taken and the results shown that the proposed method is better than the PAM and Wave cluster.   

How to Cite
Onkar Nath Sinha, Dr. Tulika, Amit Kishor. (2021). A Novel Method for Data Analysis of Fog Computing Based Smart Agriculture. Design Engineering, 1762- 1782. Retrieved from http://thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/1883