Groundwater Management by New Rainwater Harvesting Idea and Its Effect on Climate Change

  • Yash Raj Sahu, Jaya V. Gade, Reena Rawat, Bhawana Jain


The decline of the groundwater table is indeed a global phenomenon, several studies have shown that overexploitation of groundwater in India has caused major depletion of groundwater. There is no dispute among Indian scientists about the magnitude of groundwater depletion in many parts of India. More than 76% growth of the crops in the Chhattisgarh region is highly water-intensive, which directly affect the climate change and unstable agriculture is major reason for groundwater depletion. Rainwater is only source to recharge groundwater table but in present scenario rainwater get polluted.So, initially, we collected rainfall water samples from Chhattisgarh India for different months; July and February 2019, and found a higher percentage of toxic contents, i.e. SO4, SO3,NO3,NO2 in rainwater. Next, we invented a new type of rain harvesting system and observed a reduction in toxic substances present in rainwater and an improvement in the consistency of groundwater quality. Additionally, the proposed system is reliable, economical, and structure friendly.

How to Cite
Yash Raj Sahu, Jaya V. Gade, Reena Rawat, Bhawana Jain. (2021). Groundwater Management by New Rainwater Harvesting Idea and Its Effect on Climate Change. Design Engineering, 1517- 1524. Retrieved from