Improvement of Low Voltage Ride through Using Power System Stabilizer for Wind Energy Conversion System-A Review

  • Subash Ranjan Kabat, Chinmoy Kumar Panigrahi


This paper mainly aims to investigate the FRT capabilities of a wind power plant connected to the grid. The study introduces an overview of different approaches used to increase Ride-Through (FRT) fault capability in transient wind turbines based on doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs). This paper provides a comprehensive review of the various strategies employed to define the competencies of DFIG wind turbine-based systems with low-voltage travel (LVRT) (WT). The main DFIG based type-III WT machine is connected to the grid without a digital power interface as the world uses approximately 20-25% of renewable wind energy; consequently, it cannot manage terminal voltage or a reactive electrical output. Unique LVRT approaches were therefore proposed within this document based upon the implementation of other active interface technologies. Today, many techniques to overcome this low-voltage problem by failure are being developed. This paper tries to establish these active methods to reduce the gap in overall adaptive performance, controller operational complexity, and economic efficiency by presenting a complete analysis of LVRT strategies for DFIG-based WECS. This paper highlights the methods to increase the capacity of LVRT by applying a power system stabilizer to configure the relationship in 3 significant areas according to its grid inclusion (PSS). In this paper, FACT device connections are also used in WECS to investigate its efficiency and advantages, including PSS.

How to Cite
Subash Ranjan Kabat, Chinmoy Kumar Panigrahi. (2021). Improvement of Low Voltage Ride through Using Power System Stabilizer for Wind Energy Conversion System-A Review. Design Engineering, 1485- 1496. Retrieved from