Detection and Analysis the Conversion in Land Use and Land Cover at Central Part of Euphrates River Basin, Iraq

  • Majd Al- Bayaty
Keywords: Euphrates basin, Land use change, urbanization, water management, Iraq.


       Over last decades, Iraq country has suffered from water shortage in irrigation sector and others principle uses for the human life. The demand of Tigris and Euphrates rivers water have increased  due to unusual variation in local activities and   urbanization   development    which have  a negative effect  on water quality and aquatic ecosystem. This variability is link with several factors such as economic growth, climate change, hydrological cycle, runoff rate, water quantity and quality besides the change in river regime. However, the aim of this research is identified    pattern of changes   in land use and land cover (LULC) classes in   Euphrates basin connection with the change of     river formation    and climate change over   time scale.     The process of detection and analysis was accomplished with    real  data   and applied of Land sat  data, Thematic Mapper (TM) and Land sat( 5) and (7) over period of time, based on satellite images   as a reference to geo-registered high resolution    to characterize  the detect of  change over time scale.  The result showed that rapid urbanization, agricultural lands, barren areas and wetlands are change from one class to another. As result  of effect  of climate  fluctuation and  anthropogenic  activity on    ( LULC) change which result more alteration in      environmental system and  water resources   .Also,   a random growth in built-up lands occurred  between  (1985- 1999 ) and ( 1999 - 2019 ),   while agriculture lands are decreased due to effect of drought and climate change besides un- supported authority the farmers during sequent wars.   Thus, the   work can provide a proper background for planning lands and management water resources by supply a database to policymakers who working in felicitous of management strategies for natural environment with temporal and spatial changes.

How to Cite
Majd Al- Bayaty. (2021). Detection and Analysis the Conversion in Land Use and Land Cover at Central Part of Euphrates River Basin, Iraq. Design Engineering, 1309 -. Retrieved from