Iot Aware Margin Truncative Support Vector Regressed Random Forest Bagging Classification for Frequent Pattern Mining

  • G. Muthamiz selvi, Dr. P.Srivaramangai
Keywords: web user behavior prediction, IoT, big data, Preprocessing Margin Truncative Support Vector regression, Random Decision Forest Bagging technique, Classification


World Wide Web (WWW) comprises an enormous amount of web pages and links that offer huge information for internet users. The rising trend of the websites has become more complexity and the size of web content is also high. Web usage mining is a significant process for extracting the user behavior. The behavioral pattern notices the set of objects having similar activities. The conventional mining techniques find the user behavior but it still faces more complexity while considering the large volume of weblogs. To improve the user behavior pattern prediction accuracy, an IoT Aware Margin Truncative Support Vector Regressed Random Forest Bagging Classification (IoT-MTSVRRFBC) Technique is introduced. The major aim of the IoT-MTSVRRFBC technique is to perform the web user behavior pattern mining with higher accuracy and lesser time consumption. In the IoT-MTSVRRFBC technique, an IoT device is used to collect the data (i.e., weblog files). The IoT-MTSVRRFBC technique comprises the two major processes, namely preprocessing and classification for web user behavior analysis. At first, Margin Truncative Support Vector Regressed Preprocessing (MTSVRP) is applied for preprocessing the weblogs to remove the unnecessary patterns for reducing the time consumption.   After that, Random Decision Forest Bagging Classification (RDFBC) is applied to identify web user behavior by analyzing the frequently accessed web patterns. RDFBC is an ensemble learning technique that comprises ‘n’ regression trees with the necessary web patterns. After that, the votes are generated for each regression tree. The votes of all regression trees are combined to identify the majority vote of patterns for web user behavior analysis. In this way, web user behavior analysis is accurately performed with big data with minimal time consumption. Experimental evaluation of the IoT-MTSVRRFBC technique is conducted with weblog dataset from Kaggle on factors such as prediction accuracy, error rate, time, and space complexity with respect to the number of web patterns. Results demonstrate that our IoT-MTSVRRFBC techniques are time and memory-efficient with higher accuracy as well as lesser error rate in finding the frequent pattern than the existing algorithms

How to Cite
G. Muthamiz selvi, Dr. P.Srivaramangai. (2021). Iot Aware Margin Truncative Support Vector Regressed Random Forest Bagging Classification for Frequent Pattern Mining. Design Engineering, 2021(04), 1504 - 1518. Retrieved from