Design of Low Power Reconfigurable FIR Filter using Null Conventional Logic

  • T. Jagadesh, A. Reethika, B. Jaishankar, A. Divya


In the field of correspondence, signal handling, picture preparing and so forth, channels have an essential job in exhibitions like commotion decrease, reshaping the recurrence band, channel evening out, obstruction estimation and so on, In this paper, to lessen the force utilization and to speed up FIR channel, offbeat procedure defer unfeeling invalid show rationale (NCL) utilizing double rail signal is proposed. NCL diminishes the unique force utilization as far as lessening the exchanging action in this way accomplishing the low force. In view of NCL rationale a 8 tap FIR channel is carried out utilizing Custom architect instrument in 45 nm Technology with a recurrence of 350MHz at 1.5V . The recreation results shows the force utilization of the FIR channel utilizing NCL is 685µW.

How to Cite
T. Jagadesh, A. Reethika, B. Jaishankar, A. Divya. (2021). Design of Low Power Reconfigurable FIR Filter using Null Conventional Logic. Design Engineering, 850 - 860. Retrieved from