Construction of University Ideology Education Evaluation System Based on Data Mining Technology

  • Fengyi Zhang
Keywords: Big data, Teaching quality, Ideology education


With the continuous development of science and technology, the era of big data has come. People's daily life and production are full of massive data, and the scale of data processing is gradually expanding. Big data has successfully penetrated into various industries and has become one of the key production factors in the current society. In the era of big data, the traditional teaching quality evaluation system can no longer fully meet the development needs of education reform in the era of big data. Therefore, under the new technology and new ideas provided by the era of big data, it is necessary to try to build a new teaching quality evaluation system based on big data mining, keep up with the pace of the times, and actively promote teaching reform. This paper introduces a method of evaluating and analyzing the actual effect of university ideology education by using data mining technology, and obtains the learning needs of college students in real time, so as to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of ideology education.

How to Cite
Fengyi Zhang. (2021). Construction of University Ideology Education Evaluation System Based on Data Mining Technology. Design Engineering, 2021(04), 1169 - 1178. Retrieved from