Digital Transformation of Physical Education during COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Survey

  • Guiling Chang


During the COVID-19 pandemic, college physical education has fully turned to digital and smart sports platforms. In the state of physical partition, the needs of physical education are met through virtual technology. Using questionnaire surveys and virtual interview methods to conduct feedback research on the distance teaching experience of 187 physical education teachers from 16 universities in China, and analyze statistical data through IBM SPSS Statistics 20. The research results show that the mastery of information technology capabilities, the support of the digital teaching environment, the teacher's preparation for distance learning, and virtual teaching methods have become the main problems in the implementation of digital physical education. But it also brings new opportunities for digital sports teaching, which requires more professional in-depth discussion. In the digital education environment, challenges and opportunities coexist. Although teachers and students face a series of difficulties, they also provide possibilities for the digital transformation of physical education. Therefore, during the COVID-19 period, teachers should be fully prepared, proficient in education platform technology, innovative teaching methods, and carry out remote online sports activities and scientific seminars.

How to Cite
Guiling Chang. (2021). Digital Transformation of Physical Education during COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Survey. Design Engineering, 2021(02), 122 - 132. Retrieved from